Welcome to my GTAinside userpage! Here you find some information about my live in Los Santos and Liberty City. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me by a Private Message.
Gray Wolf
I expect you to make a better mod as a BTTF fan
@Ari2k3stolen,no doubt.
有意思,这车原模是shdru发出来的,车灯车身是我改的,你随随便便发出来也就罢了,还把作者标成自己,除了条纹你付出什么劳动在这车上了?把作者标成自己也就罢了,还在简介里说这是你转到sa的简直笑死个人。你在简介里厚颜无耻也就罢了,你居然还欺骗大家感情……恐怕很多人会纳闷为啥自己下到的车不像你说的有Working Headlights And Taillinghts吧2333……劝你赶紧把你发的这个mod删掉,省得自己变笑柄~